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Pack 03 shims

Does it matter if the two 0.25mm shims in Pack 3 (part 9) go into the pocket for the bearing or onto the shaft between the bearing and axle gear (part 6) ?

My concern is that the shims are smaller in diameter than the pocket, which means there is a risk that the bearing will not sit correctly in the pocket, as it would not be supported around the full extent of the outer shell. For this to happen, they need to be a slightly larger diameter, with a larger central hole, so that there is also no risk of interference with the inner rotating shell of the bearing.

It would be easy enough for me to make up a 0.25mm shim to sit between the bearing and the gear, and this would still mean the gear (6) is in the correct position relative to the gearbox body.



The shim is 11.5mm in diameter, the bearing is 13mm, so the shim will mostly act on the metal shield of the bearing, not the outer shell, which may force it against the balls and increase the friction of the bearing.

Hi Adrian

Good to see you also have a Dingo to build, I have not started mine yet due to other projects so it looks like you are going to iron out most of the issues first.



Now I know you have one, I might have to put mine on hold and see what magic you come up with 😉

That's four I know of in the UK, with two of them still boxed, mine just started and Denny's at the detailing stage.

I haven't decided if mine is going to be green or yellow though.


I am going for green on mine, not really thought about the final markings just yet but I will probably use the markings that are available from front line. Just need to find a way of printing them onto decal paper.

i can see a Dingo gathering at Bovington taking place some time in the future.



Hi Adrian,

Technically you're correct.

In out view, for this model, it doesn't matter. We have not experienced any problems.
We put the shim in the pocket as a kind of extra seal against dirt and grease.

About possible pressure: There is a bit of leeway in the transition box so there is ample pressure on the side of the bearing.